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The power relationship between lawyers and their clients is so one-sided that there is universal discontent with the legal system.


Consumers of legal and commercial services enter into the legal and commercial maze blind, and rarely does one exit the labyrinth satisfied.


Our role as legal and commercial brokers is to act as consumer advocates.  We protect the legal and commercial consumer from predatory behaviour by analysing needs, researching appropriate legal representation, project managing the Case, ensuring there is sufficient pre to post litigation support, and promoting transparency.


We are a bulwark against ruthless legal and commercial practices.  Our services are geared to empower clients in their dealings with lawyers and other commercial professions so that instead of feeling used, confused, and cheated, consumers are in control of a well-managed Case with a clear understanding of the legal and financial systems.


Conflicts of interest between consumer and professional are eliminated, as are exorbitant fees and legal costs.

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